lecture theatre with wooden chairs

Supercharge your team

  • Build a forward-thinking CPD programme

  • Get your team excited and engaged in their learning and development

  • Learn how to safely integrate AI into your workflow

At least 50% of people around the world can’t access essential health services, and there aren’t enough doctors available to treat the ones that can. Human-centred technology can address these gaps, but it needs to be done right.

Curistica’s Digital Health Education & Training service lifts the lid on how the fast moving healthtech landscape can do this, including a focus on the use of AI in healthcare. Through presentations, educational material and training, we focus on innovation and safety, ensuring that even the most risk-averse audience is brought along on the journey.

Who is this for?

This service is for individuals, businesses and teams who want to:

Know the possibilities that healthtech and AI enable to improve speed and efficiency

Identify how to develop health solutions using tech and AI

Build their expertise in healthtech & AI, and share this with others

Feel empowered to start experimenting with new ideas

Know how to do all of this in a safe and ethical way

Photo of Curistica team member at Digital health and education training session

What will it enable for us?

After taking part in our education & training programmes, participants will be:

  • aware of how tech and AI can be used in healthcare

  • confident to bring digital innovation to their practice or workplace

  • inspired to continue exploring innovative digital health

Contact us.